Full evening concert of new works by Ivan Čavlović

Cjelovečernji koncert novih djela Ivana Čavlovića
Datum događaja
Mjesto događaja
Koncertna sala Srednje muzičke škole Sarajevo



In Sarajevo, SMŠ Concert Hall, 23 January 2020, 19:30, free entrance

On Thursday, 23 January 2020, at 19:30, the third concert by new Ivan Čavlović’s works with the following program and performers will be held in the Music Academy Concert Hall:

1.    Triptych for Tanja: Birth. Youth. In Memories (12 min)
Performer: Dina Fejzić piano
2.    Cello Concerto and String Quintet (17 min)
Performer: Dr. Belma Alić cello, String Quintet
3.    Piano Sonata no. 2 (21 min)
Performer: Sonja Radojković, piano
4.    String Quartet no. 2 (20 min)
Performer aMAS String Quartet
5.    The three Sonnets by Skender Kulenović for soprano, bass, timpani, tom-tom, piano, accordion quintet (12 min)
Performers Aida Čorbadžić soprano, Leonardo Šarić bass, Davor Maraus timpani, Dario Kos tom-tom, Milan Čavlović piano, aMAS accordion quintet.

Pubic is familiar with Čavlović as the leading BH musicologist, and as his composer's oeuvre grows, so does his work become more and more present in the public spaces of BH culture.

Ivan Čavlović (Sanski Most, 1949) is a Sarajevo Music Academy professor emeritus. He is one of the founders of the FBiH Musicological Society, the Muzika magazine, the Institute of Musicology and the Center for Music Education at the Music Academy, the May Music Festival, the Sarajevo Chamber Music Festival, vocational and educational projects. He had functions in many organs and bodies of the Music Academy and the University of Sarajevo. He started playing music from an early age, and after graduating from high school, graduated from the Teachers Academy in Pula and the Music Academy in Sarajevo, where he received his master's and doctoral degrees. He started composing very early, but it was not until the first decade of the 21st century that his composer work became serious and with relevant artistic results. So far, he has written 8 books, 3 monographs and over 200 professional and scientific papers, composed 56 compositions of various uses and performing compositions, from solo instruments to opera attractions, wrote several short stories and two novellas. As a teacher at the Academy of Music, he educated numerous graduate and master's and doctoral students, 5 assistants and 4 assistant professors.
He worked as a music teacher at the Stari Majdan Primary School near Sanski Most (1972-1973), a guitar teacher at the Vogošća Primary Music School (1976-1978), and from 1978 to 2010 passed through all academic titles at the Sarajevo Music Academy.
He is the alumni of the “Vlado Milošević Award” by AMUS for his musicology work (2017).
The performers are eminent academic musicians with whom Cavlovic has already collaborated.
The concert was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Sarajevo Canton, along with the UNSA Music Academy and the Secondary Music School.
