UNSA Graduation and Diploma Awarding Ceremony

Svečana promocija i dodjela diploma diplomantima i magistrantima Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Datum događaja
Mjesto događaja
Olimpijska dvorana "Juan Antonio Samaranch"

The University of Sarajevo is organizing a Graduation and Diploma Awarding Ceremony that is planned to take place at the “Juan Antonio Samaranch” Hall in Sarajevo, on Saturday 1 December 2016, starting at 11:00 hrs.

All students who graduated from the first and second cycle studies will be awarded with diplomas in the “Juan Antonio Samaranch” Hall. The UNSA Golden Badge Award, the UNSA Silver Badge Award and University of Sarajevo Charter will be given to the best graduates from the first and second cycles.

Graduates will be informed about the date of taking over invitations through their Faculties/Academies.

After the beginning of the Ceremony, subsequent entry into the Hall will not be possible.

We ask graduates, as well as guests not to come in their own vehicles because the Olympic Halls parking will not be open to the public.