11th International Symposium “Music in Society”

From 25 to 27 October, the Music Academy hosts 54 musicologists, ethnomusicologists, music theoreticians and pedagogues from nine European countries within the 11th International Symposium “Music in Society.” This event is organized by the Musicology Society of the FBiH and the Music Academy of the University of Sarajevo, like previous years, wanting to offer a common platform for as many scientists as possible dedicated to contemporary discourses on various issues of music from various aspects. The central themes of the symposium are: New Historiographic Research, Ethnomusicological Archives - Challenges of the New Age, Problems and Perspectives of Music Theory and Pedagogy.
This year’ keynote speakers are: Irish musicologist Dr. Harry White (University of Dublin) and British ethnomusicologist Dr. Razia Sultanova (University of Cambridge).
Dr. White’s lecture Ireland in the European Ear: Historical Conceptions and Misconceptions of Irish Music will open the symposium on 25 October at 18:00 in Music Academy Hall.
On the symposium’s second day – 26 October, Dr. Sultanova will deliver a lecture Non-Russian Face of Russia: Music, Youth and Migration in the Post-Soviet State at 18:00 in the University of Sarajevo Ceremonial Hall.
Three concerts are planned to take place within the Symposium Flutrification of the Young Flute by Hanan Hadžajlić (Otvorena scena Obala - Academy of Performing Arts, 24 October 20:00), INTER NOS - 21st century BH composers (Music Academy Concert Hall, 25 October, 19:30) and the Bosnian traditional music concert by the Etnoakademik ensemble (University of Sarajevo Ceremonial Hall, 26 October 19:00).
For more info, visit the link: