Training for Students on the preparation of project proposals at UNSA Faculty of Philosophy Held

Održana obuka za studente i studentice o pripremi projektnih prijedloga | Filozofski fakultet UNSA

In cooperation with the Center for the Promotion of Civil Society (CPCD), the University of Sarajevo Faculty of Philosophy held a training for students on 17 January 2024 under the title “Writing project proposals according to European Union standards.” 27 participants from different study cycles took part in the training. The training was conducted by Mrs. Aida Daguda and Mr. Adnan Mević, certified lecturers and prominent experts in the field of writing project proposals.


Students first had the opportunity to learn about the numerous possibilities for applying for funds provided by the European Union funds. Then, through interactive workshops, they could learn about the elements of the project proposal, and develop each of the mentioned elements through exercises in groups. The lecturers shared a number of practical examples in situations of applying to various public calls. In conclusion, they encouraged male and female students to look for opportunities, but also to continue acquiring more advanced competencies in this field.


The University of Sarajevo Faculty of Philosophy would like to thank CPCD for the opportunity they provided to our students.

Održana obuka za studente i studentice o pripremi projektnih prijedloga | Filozofski fakultet UNSA
Održana obuka za studente i studentice o pripremi projektnih prijedloga | Filozofski fakultet UNSA
Održana obuka za studente i studentice o pripremi projektnih prijedloga | Filozofski fakultet UNSA
Održana obuka za studente i studentice o pripremi projektnih prijedloga | Filozofski fakultet UNSA
Održana obuka za studente i studentice o pripremi projektnih prijedloga | Filozofski fakultet UNSA