Faculty of Electrical Engineering launches new undergraduate study program "Data Science and Artificial Intelligence" (DSAI)

Elektrotehnički fakultet UNSA pokreće novi studijski program "Data Science and Artificial Intelligence“ (DSAI)

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, proudly announces the launch of a new study program in English entitled "Data Science and Artificial Intelligence," abbreviated as DSAI.

DSAI is a three-year undergraduate program offering innovative courses in the fields of data science and artificial intelligence. Designed to provide students with foundational knowledge, practical skills, and theoretical understanding of key concepts in data science and artificial intelligence, the program enables students to become experts in these increasingly vital areas of technology.

Alongside advanced courses in artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analysis, deep learning, probability, statistics, applied mathematics, and other relevant disciplines, students will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of complex methods and algorithms used in data analysis and interpretation, as well as in the development of intelligent software solutions. The DSAI program offers a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment that fosters critical thinking, creativity, and innovation, preparing students for successful careers in various sectors.

Several courses are specifically designed to foster innovation among students and acquaint them with legal, ethical, and social concepts related to AI. The implementation of these courses is planned in collaboration with other members of the University of Sarajevo, namely the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, and Faculty of Philosophy.

The increasing importance of data science and artificial intelligence across various sectors is expected to continue driving demand for professionals with expertise in this field. The adaptability and interdisciplinary nature of the DSAI program make graduates well-positioned to transition into new roles and industries. Employment prospects for students who complete the DSAI undergraduate program are quite promising. Graduates of this program typically possess a strong skill set that is highly sought after in various industries. Some potential employment opportunities and career paths for these graduates include: data analyst, ML engineer, AI engineer/developer, data scientist, software engineer, and data engineer.

DSAI offers the opportunity to study through regular and part-time studies, with part-time studies organized through distance learning programs.

Enrollment in this study program begins simultaneously with enrollment in other study programs at ETF and under the same conditions. The only difference is that students who choose the DSAI study program can take the entrance exam in English, while the entrance exam is the same for all study programs.

The curriculum of the study program is available at the following link: https://dsai.etf.unsa.ba/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/DSAI_curriculum.pdf

More information about this study program can be obtained during the Open Days on May 15th and May 17th, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, in office 3-29. Additionally, we invite all interested parties to visit the website http://dsai.etf.unsa.ba for more information, or send an email to etf@etf.unsa.ba if they have any questions.