Presentation "Introduction to Marine Ecology with a presentation of the Blue Oceans program and SCUBA diving for underwater research"

Prezentacija "Uvod u Marinsku ekologiju sa prezentacijom programa Blue Oceans i SCUBA ronjenja za potrebe podvodnih istraživačkih radova”

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Sarajevo and Scuba schools international ( are organizing a presentation on "Introduction to Marine Ecology with a presentation of the Blue Oceans program and SCUBA diving for underwater research" with lecturers Adnan Drnda - professional photographer, designer and architect specializing in underwater photography and Samir Solaković - professional underwater photographer, architect, designer, painter and sculptor.


The presentation will be held on Monday, 6 December 2021, from 10:00 am to 11:30 am in the Student Club at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, and is intended primarily for fifth-year students, but also for other interested parties.


The number of participants is limited in accordance with current epidemiological measures.