Info Day held for Erasmus+ outgoing students

Održan informativni dan za odlazne studente na Erasmus+ razmjenu

In order to provide the necessary information, the International Cooperation Service of the University of Sarajevo organized an informative "pre-departure" day on Erasmus+ exchange for students of the University of Sarajevo who had the opportunity to stay at European universities next semester. Taking into account the student's teaching obligations during the day, the session was held in the evening on 7 December 2021, starting at 19:00.


The aim of the session was to provide information on the Erasmus+ scholarship, obligations and responsibilities that our scholarship students face before the start of the mobility, during and after returning to Sarajevo.


The online session was attended by 90 students from our university who were given the opportunity to go on an exchange to partner universities across Europe next semester. These are mostly first and second-cycle students, while a smaller number of third-cycle students are also represented in the exchange. This number is not final, considering that the applications for and evaluation of students for mobility in the next semester are still in progress.


Održan informativni dan za odlazne studente na Erasmus+ razmjenu
Održan informativni dan za odlazne studente na Erasmus+ razmjenu
Održan informativni dan za odlazne studente na Erasmus+ razmjenu