“ZAVNOBiH Messages” Faculty of Political Sciences Lecture

Na Fakultetu političkih nauka održano predavanje o temi „Poruke ZAVNOBiH-a“

On Thursday, 22 November 2018, at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, a traditional public lecture was held on the occasion of 25 November, the Statehood Day of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the topic of “ZAVNOBiH Messages.” The lecture was held by Professor Emeritus Dr. Esad Zgodić.
In his presentation, Professor Zgodić discussed the role of ZAVNOBiH today, explaining why it is not obsolete or anachronous, as some try to show it, but just the opposite - actual and never more relevant than is today. According to Professor Zgodić's insights, ZAVNOBiH is also important within political theory - it was created as a response to the revolution, both socialist and anti-fascist, to those ideologies against which Europe had fought in WW2. As a constitutional act, it came from the people themselves, so that it is inseparable from the antifascist tradition of our people, but also of its communist heritage - because it is only within the Communist Party and the Communists, the consciousness of the struggle against fascism and Nazism, foreign occupiers and domestic traitors was clearly set up and unambiguously elaborated.
Therefore, messages from Mrkonjić Grad sent 75 years ago are still valid. Preaching the ethics of brotherhood and unity as a product of communist insistence in the context of the general “slaughter of the people” in the full height of the Second World War was extraordinarily brave. Such ideas still show their weight - they are trying to challenge, reduce, negate or criminalize, showing them illusion, delusion or lies, in order to realize national and ethnic fantasies.
Finally, Professor Zgodić concluded that because of and within this context, ZAVNOBiH should not be viewed separately from AVNOJ, which, if things are taken into account in this way, was the first to confirm Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state.

Source: fpn.unsa.ba

Na Fakultetu političkih nauka održano predavanje o temi „Poruke ZAVNOBiH-a“
Na Fakultetu političkih nauka održano predavanje o temi „Poruke ZAVNOBiH-a“
Na Fakultetu političkih nauka održano predavanje o temi „Poruke ZAVNOBiH-a“
Na Fakultetu političkih nauka održano predavanje o temi „Poruke ZAVNOBiH-a“