The UNSA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering via Co-Financing Program of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Young KS is implements by Five Projects

The University of Sarajevo’s Faculty of Mechanical Engineering through the MONKS co-financing program is implementing projects this year
The Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Young Canton of Sarajevo have organized the signing of a contract for the co-financing of scientific research/artistic research and research development projects and programs from the Sarajevo Canton Budget for 2023. The contracts were signed by Minister Pavle Krstić and representatives of projects and programs for which funding from the budget were approved, on the basis of a public call that was announced. Representatives of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo who attended signing were: Vice -Dean, Prof. Dr. Nedim Pervan, and project managers: Prof. Seid Hajdarević, Prof. Dr. Adis Muminović, Prof. Dr. Džana Kadrić and Prof. Dr. Hadis Bajrić, while Prof. Dr. Amra Hasečić was justifiably absent.
The University of Sarajevo's Faculty of Mechanical Engineering can also be proud this year of a significant number of scientific research projects that realizes through this and similar programs. Through a program of support for scientific research and research development projects of particular interest in Canton Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo will implement 4 projects, while through the Program of Strengthening the capacity to apply for the European Union research funds will be financed by 1 project:
1. Experimental and numerical analysis of mechanical properties of furniture (b.1a)
The approved project is a research character that belongs to the field of technical sciences and belongs to the scientific field of wood processing technology. The project is implemented by research that treats the problem of construction, i.e. wood construction, primarily furniture, and gluing wood. The basic project task is the experimental and numerical analysis of mechanical properties of solid wood furniture compounds, with a study aimed at analyzing and verification of the numerical budget results, obtained by using a linear and non -linear orthotropic numerical model. The results of the project should contribute to the improvement of numerical modeling and simulation in the furniture design and construction process, in the form of evaluating the quality of a constructive solution, creating structural variants or new constructive solutions, as well as to encourage wider use of numerical simulation in the furniture industry.
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Seid Hajdarevic
2. Application of 3D scanning in the process of development and design of new products (B.1A)
The aim of the project is to equip the laboratory for the development and design of products at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Sarajevo by scientific-storage equipment. The project consists of the purchase of equipment that will be used to research and cooperate with the economy. The scientific influence is reflected in the publication of more scientific papers in international journals and at international conferences. Social impact is reflected in the development of more new products in cooperation with companies from Sarajevo Canton. The development of new products has a direct positive impact on the Sarajevo Canton Economics. All products are of export character and strengthens the position of the Sarajevo Canton of Sarajevo on the world market.
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Adis Muminović
3. Carbon neutral and energy -independent campus/regain (b.1a)
The project methodology will allow the development of a sustainable energy supply model to the University of Sarajevo Campus and make a significant contribution to environmental protection, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting a sustainable energy future. Project activities will be aligned with the activities of the Directorate for Campus Construction and Maintenance of Campus' long -term goals. During the implementation of the project, the procurement of valuable laboratory equipment will be executed, which will significantly improve the laboratory capacities of the Energy Chair, as well as the teaching and research process.
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Džana Kadrić
4. Procurement of Ergonomic Analysis of the work task in working intense industries for the purpose of protecting the health of workers/ ergolab (B.1A)
The Laboratory for Ergonomics and Biomechanics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo will be richer for computer equipment and software used for evaluation and improved work tasks evaluations through this project. The program itself has a possibility of connecting with wireless sensors and monitoring and analyzing the movement of the human body in real time over Xsens MVN Awinda which by implementing this project enable the improvement and modernization of education (teaching), ergonomic analysis of the jobs of companies with working intensive affairs to contribute to the preservation of the health of workers (RULA, REBA, etc.), diagnostics vocational diseases and defining practical recommendations that will serve to improve the health of the employee.
Project Manager: Prof. Dr. Hadis Bajrić
5. Design of Computational Mechanics and Deep Learning Joint Master Program (B.4)
The development of Computational Mechanics and Deep Learning Joint Master (DSGN COM) is a project aimed at the common design and development of international, multidisciplinary, based on excellence, high-quality joint master (120 ECTS) ready -to -start -launched area of Computational Mechanics (Computer Mechanics ) and the Deep Learning method by the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering; Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNSA-MEF), University College Dublin; Ireland (UCD), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb; Croatia (destroyag-FSB) and University of Zenica, Polytechnic Faculty; Bosnia and Herzegovina (UNZE-PTF).
By developing, and ultimately, with the launch of a master study created on Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Program, UNSA would position as a universe that offers State---and-art interdisciplinary master programs for the best students of visits.
Project Manager: part time Prof. Dr. Amra Hasečić
The Management Board of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, together with the leaders of projects and the members of the project teams, thanks the Government of the Sarajevo Canton and the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Young Canton Sarajevo for the support for the implementation of these projects that have great science and social significance.