The team of the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo won the competition in media law for Southern and Eastern Europe for the first time in history

Tim Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu po prvi put u historiji osvojio takmičenje iz medijskog prava za južnu i istočnu Evropu

The news came from the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo that the team from this faculty won the media law competition for southern and eastern Europe for the first time in history and thus qualified as the first from this part of the world for the final competition at Oxford.

Students representing the University of Sarajevo are Enida Dučić, Din Buljević, Abela Rastoder and Selma Rajkić, and they were prepared by assistants Nasir Muftić and Tahir Herenda.

From 7 to 10 December 2021, the tenth Monroe E. Price Media Law Moot Court Competition for Southern and Eastern Europe was held. The competition consists of a simulation of a trial in the field of media law and is the most prestigious student competition in this branch of law in the world. The competition was attended by 10 universities, and in addition to the University of Sarajevo, they are: University of Bucharest, Lomonosov University of Moscow, ELTE University of Budapest, Sapienza University of Rome, University of Tirana, National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow, University in Ljubljana, Masaryk University of Brno, University of Vienna.

Sarajevo students won all 5 matches they played with colleagues from other universities, debating a hypothetical case of removing content from social media, a subject clearly inspired by the events that marked the last presidential election in the United States. Ahead of them is now a performance at the world competition at the University of Oxford, which will be held in April 2022. The competition will include the world's best universities in this field, and the University of Sarajevo secured a place among them by winning the regional competition.

The third best speaker at the competition was PFSA student Abela Rastoder.

Although it has had success in regional competitions in previous years, the Sarajevo team is going to Oxford for the first time as the first team from this part of the world.