Strengthening of ties between the University of Sarajevo and Italian academic institutions | Visit of the director of the “Rome International Seminar” and the ambassador of Italy to Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dr. Massimo Maria Caneva, director of the “Rome International Seminar” and president of the European Association of International Studies (AESI), and H. E. Marco Di Ruzza, Ambassador of Italy to Bosnia and Herzegovina, visited the University of Sarajevo today, where they met with the current rector, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, the newly elected rector for the mandate period 2024–2028 and the current Vice-Rector for Finance Prof. Dr. Tarik Zaimović, and Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Prof. Dr. Enita Nakaš.
Ambassador Di Ruzza pointed out that the University of Sarajevo and the Embassy of Italy in Bosnia and Herzegovina have managed to promote and develop intensive cooperation in recent years, and recalled the Agreement on Scientific and Academic Cooperation that the University of Sarajevo and the National Research Center of the Republic of Italy signed last year. With congratulations on the appointment of Prof. Dr. Tarik Zaimović as rector of the University of Sarajevo, expressed his belief that this cooperation will be intensified in the coming period for the benefit of the Italian and Bosnian academic and scientific community.
During the visit, Ambassador di Ruzza and others. Caneva discussed current projects, including international seminars and conferences organized by AESI. Future projects were also discussed, especially those related to the field of university cooperation in the promotion of peace. The meeting was an opportunity to consider future forms of cooperation between the University of Sarajevo and the Rome International Seminar, a prestigious forum for inter-university cooperation held with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Italian Development Cooperation Agency.
The collaboration of Dr. Caneva with the University of Sarajevo through various projects has lasted for more than two decades, during which Dr. Caneva, under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Italian Development Cooperation Agency, the United Nations, the Italian peacekeeping forces, and several Italian universities such as La Sapienza University in Rome and Roma TRE University in Rome, initiated and organized numerous activities starting with the Master's program in Management state and humanitarian affairs to numerous joint meetings of the academic and diplomatic community, the main purpose of which is the promotion of peace through inter-university cooperation. The specificity of the peace work of dr. Caneva is also reflected in the fact that members and representatives of the armed forces who participate in peace missions around the world play an active role in the activities of inter-university peace cooperation.
Rector Škrijelj, Vice-Rector Zaimović and Vice-Rector Nakaš expressed their gratitude for the previous support and cooperation, and emphasized the importance of further strengthening ties between the University of Sarajevo and Italian academic institutions.
The visit ended with the expression of mutual readiness for further work on joint projects and initiatives that will contribute to the general goal of preserving and promoting peace.