Project “Monitoring of zoonotic diseases of game in the area of Sarajevo Canton with the aim of preserving and improving biodiversity”

Based on the Public Competition announced by the “Environmental Protection Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina” for the allocation of funds for the implementation of programs, projects and similar activities in the field of environmental protection for 2023 - JK 2023 (LOT 6 - Nature Protection Projects), and based on the Decision of the Governing Board No.: UO-01-3-5-4-12023., dated 05.09.2023., the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UNSA-VF) received support in the amount of 79,800.00 KM for the project “Monitoring of zoonotic diseases of game in the area of Sarajevo Canton with the aim of preserving and improving biodiversity”. In accordance with the above, a Financial Assistance Agreement has been concluded between the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (number: 07-01-160-6/24, dated 22.03.2024) and the Environmental Protection Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (number: 01-09-2-1581/2024, dated 26.03.2024), with a validity period of twelve months from the date of conclusion of the Agreement.
The project falls into the category of scientific research projects for nature protection through co-financing the monitoring of zoonotic diseases of wildlife in the Sarajevo Canton, with an emphasis on collecting new data from the field, implementing measures for monitoring zoonotic diseases of wildlife, and implementing measures for the improvement and protection of biodiversity.
The project proposal is scientifically based and complies with legal, administrative, cultural, environmental and economic standards. The project is in many aspects compatible with laws and strategies in the field of veterinary medicine, animal protection and welfare, human health protection, as well as environmental protection at the state and federal levels.
Based on the established goal, field and laboratory activities are underway regarding the collection and testing of game samples for the presence of parasites from the Sarajevo Canton area. Previously, preparatory activities related to the formation of a team, determining the operational plan and dynamics of activities, preparation and initiation of public procurement within the project, and establishing contacts and coordination with hunting societies, organizations and individuals who have access to wildlife habitats in order to enable the collection of samples for parasitological examinations have been completed.
Field and laboratory activities are currently underway regarding the collection and analysis of game samples for the presence of parasites from the Sarajevo Canton area. All activities are taking place in accordance with the planned dynamics. In parallel, the following are being carried out: analysis and processing of results; preparation of research reports; production of educational materials (brochures, leaflets); planning of public presentations of results and educational activities for citizens and interest groups.
The University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine has so far successfully implemented several projects related to the issue in question and has profiled experts for individual activities within the project, who can meet all the requirements of successful planning and execution of project activities, necessary equipment, accessories, diagnostics and means for conducting all investigations and planned activities. Likewise, UNSA-VF has excellent laboratory capacities accredited according to European standards (BATA Accreditation; number: LI-43-01 (BAS EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018), for performing all tests related to the diagnosis of various pathogens.
In addition to the participation of competent staff from UNSA-VF, in this phase, it should be noted the significant engagement of associates from the Faculty of Agriculture and Food and Forestry of the University of Sarajevo, the Protected Natural Areas of the Sarajevo Canton, and representatives of hunting societies, organizations and individuals who have access to wildlife habitats. The project includes young staff and students from UNSA-VF and other faculties of the University of Sarajevo, an integrated study program of the first, second and third cycles of studies, who will acquire knowledge and experience for long-term security and creation of new values and their own knowledge capital with the aim of forming a highly professional human resource base. Likewise, the project activities will help fulfill international obligations and networking in the European space, promotion and sustainable development of tourism, education and raising awareness of the public and interest groups about the importance of activities carried out to further improve environmental protection environment. As part of the project, significant research will be conducted, and the results will be scientifically analyzed and published in a relevant professional/scientific journal.
The University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine expresses its gratitude to the Environmental Protection Fund of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for its continued cooperation and support in the implementation of projects in the field of nature protection.
Prof. Dr. Jasmin Omeragić, Project Manager