Panel discussion “Dialogues on Society and Corruption” held at the Faculty of Economics, UNSA

Na Ekonomskom fakultetu UNSA održana panel disuksija "Dijalozi o društvu i korupciji"

Today, the second panel discussion on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day, entitled “Dialogues on Society and Corruption,” was held at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Sarajevo (EFSA) within the program “EFSA Dialogues.”

The participants of the panel were: Erduan Kafedžić, Head of the Office for Fight against Corruption and Quality Management of Sarajevo Canton, Prof. Dr. Jasmina Selimović, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo and Stephen Glaser, Director of the Office for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement at the US Embassy in BiH.

Several conclusions were defined during the Panel:

  • The strategic goal of the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo is to establish itself in society as an agent of change and to encourage dialogue and build partnerships with society and institutions in the context of social responsibility, ethics and integrity.
  • Civic activism of young people, education and participation of young people in elections are key tools for the fight against corruption.
  • It is necessary to intensify cooperation between educational institutions at all levels of education and the Office for Combating Corruption and Quality Management of Sarajevo Canton, especially in the context of raising youth awareness of corruption and sensitizing them to unethical behavior from the earliest days.
  • Educational processes that clearly and articulate address the problem of corruption in BiH. society is a sine qua non strategy to fight corruption and other social anomalies.

The discussion panel “EFSA Dialogues” is a program created within the Strategy of the Faculty of Economics 2018-2022, which emphasizes ethics, social responsibility and sustainability. The second panel discussion of the EFSA dialogue aimed to encourage critical dialogue on corruption as a problem that paralyzes BiH. society and hinders it in the process of joining Euro-Atlantic integration.

Na Ekonomskom fakultetu UNSA održana panel disuksija "Dijalozi o društvu i korupciji"
Na Ekonomskom fakultetu UNSA održana panel disuksija "Dijalozi o društvu i korupciji"
Na Ekonomskom fakultetu UNSA održana panel disuksija "Dijalozi o društvu i korupciji"