In Memoriam - Prof. Dr. Milić Simić 1944-2021

In memoriam - Prof. dr. Milić Simić

Prof. Dr. Milić Simić was born in Obudovac, Brčko, Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he finished primary and secondary school. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo in 1967 and was a recipient holder of the University of Sarajevo Silver Badge. In 1970, he passed the bar exam. In June 1975, he was elected assistant professor of Business Law II at the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo. He obtained a master's degree in law from the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade in 1980. He received his doctorate in 1984 from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, defending his doctoral dissertation entitled "Property liability of the basic organization for the obligations of the working organization in legal transactions." He spent almost his entire working life (1975-2014) at the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo, crossing the academic path from assistant to full professor.

His scientific, professional and pedagogical engagement in teaching took place primarily at the Faculty of Economics. He also lectured in the department of the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo in Zenica, and was engaged for two academic years at the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo, in the subject of Obligation Law. In his teaching work, he made a special effort working in impossible conditions during the period of aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina, including passing through the Tunnel of Salvation for two years, to give lectures in the department of the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo in Zenica.

Professor Simić made his important contribution in the field of business law in Bosnia and Herzegovina through numerous textbooks and scientific papers, and thus enriched the Bosnian literature of business law. He was a member of the Legal Council of the Government of Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1994 to 1996, and by engaging and actively participating in a large number of symposia, scientific conferences and seminars he managed to draw the attention of experts and the general public to the most important and current legal issues. especially in the field of company law, securities law and bankruptcy law. As a member of various scientific and professional teams and (co)author of a large number of research, professional and consulting papers, he has made an immeasurable contribution to building the domestic legal system.

He has successfully applied theoretical assumptions in solving complex and diverse individual cases in practice. An excerpt from the Report of the Commission for the Election of Professor Simić to the Title of Full Professor speaks best about Professor Simić’s contribution to the legal heritage of Bosnia and Herzegovina “Professor Milić Simić is a prolific scientific researcher and university teacher and pedagogue. His works, lectures and other forms of behavior are characterized by prudence, analytics, sovereign mastery of the method of his scientific discipline, comparative legal approach and meticulousness. His moral and pedagogical standards are at the same level as those he applies in scientific, research and professional work. He is an outstanding lecturer and transmitter of knowledge to the younger generations, including those who are engaged or want to engage in business activities.”