Presentation of the results of the Study on Digital Transformation of Companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina

We are very pleased to invite all interested parties to a panel discussion Digital Transformation of Companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Analysis of the situation and recommendations to be held at the Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo on 28 October 2021 from 13:00.
The results of the study on the digital transformation of companies in BiH will be presented at this event. The study was prepared by a multidisciplinary team of associates of the Association for Digital Transformation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo, and the whole endeavor was supported by the project Innovation and Digitization in Small and Medium Enterprises in BiH, implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ ) GmbH on behalf of the German Government.
The study included research that was aligned (to the extent possible) with two methodological frameworks:
- The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), which tracks Europe's overall digital performance, provides data on the state of digitization of each Member State and helps them identify areas that require priority investment and action.
- Digital Transformation Scoreboard (DTS) of the European Commission, which aims to monitor the transformation of industries and companies, and which uses qualitative and quantitative data to research the adoption of digital technologies.
At the end of the study, the profile of the country was presented, which, following the example of the DTS, provides: a conclusion on the issue of BiH. environments and drivers of digital transformation; Highlighting country strengths and areas for improvement; A brief assessment of the country's location in relation to other European countries. And finally, following all the findings, profiling of companies was carried out, and categories were created with the offered description and characteristics.
In this way, the Study on Digital Transformation of Companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina presented the initial measurement system for the area of digital transformation of business of BH companies, and the results of the analysis can be considered a baseline study.
If you are interested in following the presentation of the Study and the panel discussion, you need to fill in the application form at the link, and indicate whether you will follow the presentation and discussion on site (at the Faculty of Economics in Sarajevo) or online , so that we can provide you with a link for a video conference. The number of participants at the location is limited to 30 people.