University of Sarajevo to Host Again Northwestern University’s Summer Study Abroad Program "Comparative Public Health: Serbia & Bosnia and Herzegovina 2024"

Univerzitet u Sarajevu ponovo domaćin ljetnog programa „Komparativno javno zdravstvo: Srbija i Bosna i Hercegovina“ američkog Univerziteta Northwestern za 2024. godinu

The University of Sarajevo welcomes students enrolled in the prestigious Northwestern University (Evanston, Ill., The United States of America) for this year’s summer study abroad program. The program has been carried out for several years in partnership with Northwestern, the University of Belgrade, and the University of Sarajevo. During their academic mobility in July and August 2024 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northwestern students will participate in numerous program activities that illuminate the past of Bosnia and Herzegovina, its cultural diversity, the contemporary social and political relations, with specific emphasis on post-conflict social relations, confronting the past as well as the role of different educational and health institutions in building peace and mutual trust.

This program is part of a broader competitive “Global Learning” academic offer by Northwestern University. Its continued implementation, thanks to the teaching staff of the University of Sarajevo’s several faculties, together with the university and faculty services and non-governmental organizations, indicates the advanced partnership between the universities of Sarajevo and Northwestern. The study abroad program is carefully designed to meet the specific study aims, with a number of interactive teaching sessions, workshops, visits to museums, memorial sites and health centers, and also features two study trips in Bosnia and Herzegovina, aimed at studying the local cultural and historical diversity while taking into account the complex aspects of war and postwar trauma. This four-week-program is another opportunity for the University of Sarajevo and its staff to affirm its credibility in organizing complex and pivotal bilateral activities with Northwestern University, a top-tier higher education institution whose programs are delivered across the world, thus confirming the University of Sarajevo’s quality of performance in international scope and acclaim.