Guest lecture "Experiences with e-learning at the University of Rijeka" by prof. Ph.D. Nataše Hoić-Božić

Održano gostujuće predavanje prof. dr. sc. Nataše Hoić-Božić o temi „Iskustva s e-učenjem na Sveučilištu u Rijeci“

On Thursday, June 1, 2023, Prof. Ph.D. Nataše Hoić-Božić, full professor at the Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies (FIDIT) of the University of Rijeka and head of the Laboratory for the Application of Information Technologies in Education (EduLab) delivered a guest lecture with the title "Experiences with e-learning at the University of Rijeka".

The vice-rector for quality at the University of Sarajevo, prof. Dr. Dušanka Bošković greeted the attendees and introduced today's guest, emphasizing the importance of the lecture, since the implementation of e-learning at the University of Rijeka (UNIRI), has a tradition for almost 20 years. Vice-rector also informed participants on e-learning activities at the University of Sarajevo including results of the DIGI.EDU project, launching of the DIGI.EDU online learning portal ( , participation in the ERASMUS-EDU- 2022-CBHE-STRAND-1 project MAGNET - Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching, and the future BALKANETUP network. Vice-rector emphasized importance of the future co-operation with the University of Rijeka in the field of e-learning.

At the beginning, Professor Hoić-Božić introduced the attendees to the elements that are given special attention and are related to technological and pedagogical-didactic aspects, considering e-learning as a qualitatively new education that ensures an interactive or two-way process between teacher and student with the help of digital technologies. Also, Professor Hoić-Božić spoke about the study program of FIDIT, and highlighted, among others, the doctoral study in Informatics and explained the entire process of this study.

The professor points out that from the very beginning, 20 years to be exact, e-learning has never been defined only as the introduction of ICT in education, and explains, "We have always emphasized that it is important how we introduce technology, in what way to achieve a qualitatively better education with the help of technology. She concluded that e-learning should encourage communication between students and scientists with the aim of achieving learning outcomes with the help of technology as successfully as possible.  

The EduLab laboratory was also presented, whose members are engaged in the development and improvement of various forms of technology-assisted education, which includes digital tools, educational platforms and applications for education, as well as modern methods for improving learning and teaching. Current projects of EduLab are UNIRI project Digital games in the context of learning, teaching and promoting inclusive education in Erasmus+ projects VirtualEdu.

The participants also learned about the possibilities of cooperation with the Faculty of Informatics and Digital Technologies through the exchange of students and teachers, participation in doctoral studies and involvement in the scientific research work of EduLab and other laboratories of FIDIT.

Presentations from today's lecture are available at the following links:

Održano gostujuće predavanje prof. dr. sc. Nataše Hoić-Božić o temi „Iskustva s e-učenjem na Sveučilištu u Rijeci“
Održano gostujuće predavanje prof. dr. sc. Nataše Hoić-Božić o temi „Iskustva s e-učenjem na Sveučilištu u Rijeci“
Održano gostujuće predavanje prof. dr. sc. Nataše Hoić-Božić o temi „Iskustva s e-učenjem na Sveučilištu u Rijeci“
Održano gostujuće predavanje prof. dr. sc. Nataše Hoić-Božić o temi „Iskustva s e-učenjem na Sveučilištu u Rijeci“
Održano gostujuće predavanje prof. dr. sc. Nataše Hoić-Božić o temi „Iskustva s e-učenjem na Sveučilištu u Rijeci“
Održano gostujuće predavanje prof. dr. sc. Nataše Hoić-Božić o temi „Iskustva s e-učenjem na Sveučilištu u Rijeci“
Održano gostujuće predavanje prof. dr. sc. Nataše Hoić-Božić o temi „Iskustva s e-učenjem na Sveučilištu u Rijeci“
Održano gostujuće predavanje prof. dr. sc. Nataše Hoić-Božić o temi „Iskustva s e-učenjem na Sveučilištu u Rijeci“