International Mother Tongue Day

Obilježavanje Međunarodnog dana maternjeg jezika

Lecture to secondary school students in cooperation with PU Library of Sarajevo

A central event in marking the International Mother Tongue Day was a lecture on Developing Awareness of Language Identity. On 21 February 2018, the lecture was organized by the UNSA Language Institute and the PU Library of Sarajevo and held in the Multimedia Center MAK. The lecturers were Dr. Sc. Alen Kalajdžić, senior research associate and director and Mr. Sc. Zenaida Karavdić, senior associate. The lecture was attended by students of the Third Sarajevo Lyceum, the Hospitality and Tourism School and the Secondary School for Environment and Wood Design in Sarajevo.
Director Kalajdžija talked about the importance of mother tongue preserving, respecting everyone's right to preserve mother tongue, use it and call it by the name he felt as his own. Zenaida Karavdić spoke about the importance of keeping dialects and the site of dialects in everyday life, but also about language science