Two research projects successfully implemented at the UNSA Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Na Mašinskom fakultetu UNSA uspješno realizovana dva naučnoistraživačka projekta

In December 2023, the University of Sarajevo Faculty of Mechanical Engineering successfully implemented research projects “Education of students through a research project on the possibility of using waste as an energy fuel” and “Waste to energy in Adria region for sustainability improvement” led by Ass. Prof. Dr. Nihad Hodžić.


In addition to the above stated, in September 2023 the project Experimental research on the possibility of using alternative fuels in the direction of the necessary energy transition of Bosnia and Herzegovina was successfully implemented, also led by Ass. Prof. Dr. Nihad Hodžić.


The projects are financed by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth of Sarajevo Canton. All projects were supported/co-financed by the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.


The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Management, together with the project manager and members of the project teams, express their sincere thanks to the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH as well as to the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth of the KS for the trust shown and the allocated funds for the implementation of the mentioned projects.


We are proud to point out that, as research results of all projects, original scientific papers were published and that the members of the teams in each of the projects were students of the first, second or third cycle of studies at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.


You can find more information about the projects, their goals and results at the following link:

 Realizovani projekti