“Tree of Peace” Planted in the University of Sarajevo Campus

Posađeno "Drvo mira" u Kampusu Univerziteta u Sarajevu

On the occasion of the International Day of Peace on 21 September 2021, the University of Sarajevo provided support to the International Center for Peace, which marks the 30th anniversary of its establishment and activities in the country and the world, organized by the traditional activity of planting peace trees. This year, the seedlings were planted at locations in the garden of the Museum of Literature and Theater Arts of BiH, the yard "Metalac" of the First Gymnasium Sarajevo, the Olympic Museum XIV ZOI and the Campus of the University of Sarajevo.


The President and Founder of the International Center for Peace, Mr. Ibrahim Spahić, congratulated all peacekeepers and peace fighters in the world on the occasion of World Peace Day and announced the Manifesto that will be sent to the public during the "Tree of Peace" action. In addition to the University of Sarajevo, the action was supported by KJP "Sarajevo-šume" d.o.o., as well as the company Green Servis d.o.o. whose owners and professional staff are former students of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo.


“The University of Sarajevo supports the activities of civil society, especially those that promote peace and a responsible attitude towards the environment and nature protection.” Tree of Peace “is a symbolic action that we support and which we say that the protection of nature and natural resources has no alternative to fulfill for the sake of the future of the generations to come”, pointed out Mr. Miroslav Živanović, head of the UNSA Rector's Office.



Posađeno "Drvo mira" u Kampusu Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Posađeno "Drvo mira" u Kampusu Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Međunarodni dan mira
Međunarodni dan mira
Međunarodni dan mira