Officials from the Directorate of the European Commission for Research and Development visited the University of Sarajevo

Zvaničnici Direktorata Evropske komisije za istraživanje i razvoj posjetili Univerzitet u Sarajevu

European Commission's Directorate for Research and Development officials, Mr. Kostas Glinas, Head of the Western Balkans Department and his associate Mr. Bernhard Fabianek, visited the University of Sarajevo on Monday, 25 March 2019.

For EC officials, visits to UNSA organizational units that have realized or have the potential to participate in the H2020 program were organized. Meetings and visits were held at the Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology and Laboratory for Computer Graphics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

In addition to the UNSA organizational units representatives, the meeting was also attended by Prof. Dr. Dženana Husremović, Vice-Rector for Research, Mr. Sci. Nina Begović, Head of the Department for Research at the University and Mr. Ammar Miraščija, Head of the Department of Science at the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

As concluded in the talks, the University of Sarajevo recognizes the importance of participation in European Union programs, and therefore invests efforts and measures to ensure that the participation of UNSA organizational units in projects within the H2020 program and the number of their applications is as high as possible. Bearing in mind the number of staff employed and the diversity of scientific disciplines studied at the University of Sarajevo, it evidently represents a huge potential for participation in the European Research and Innovation Program, as well as in other EU programs.

The visit was organized within the stay of the officials of the European Commission Directorate in Sarajevo on the occasion of the meeting of the Research and Development Commission for the Western Balkans, held on 25 and 26 March in Sarajevo.

Zvaničnici Direktorata Evropske komisije za istraživanje i razvoj posjetili UNSA
Zvaničnici Direktorata Evropske komisije za istraživanje i razvoj posjetili UNSA
Zvaničnici Direktorata Evropske komisije za istraživanje i razvoj posjetili UNSA
Zvaničnici Direktorata Evropske komisije za istraživanje i razvoj posjetili UNSA
Zvaničnici Direktorata Evropske komisije za istraživanje i razvoj posjetili UNSA
Zvaničnici Direktorata Evropske komisije za istraživanje i razvoj posjetili UNSA