IN MEMORIAM academician Dževad Hozo 1938-2020, ALU Gallery Sarajevo 12-28/07/2021

In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)

The Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo, in cooperation with the USK Bihać Museum, wants to remember in a special way the importance of academician and professor Dževad Hozo, whose departure saddened the art scene, not only in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also in the region. The exhibition, which will be held at the ALU Gallery in the period from 12 to 28 July, consists only of great works by Professor Hozo - graphic sheets from the USC Museum legacy from Bihać.

After Sarajevo, the exhibition moves to Stolac to be part of the Slovo Gorčina 2021 event.

The opening of the exhibition is planned for 12 July at 12:00.

In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)
In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)
In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)
In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)
In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)
In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)
In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)
In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)
In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)
In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)
In memoriam: akademik Dževad Hozo (1938–2020), Galerija ALU Sarajevo (12–28. 7. 2021)