Education/vocational training of associates/social workers in elementary and secondary schools in Sarajevo Canton

Edukacija/stručno usavršavanje

On 31 January 2019, at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo, the education/vocational training of associates/social workers in elementary and secondary schools in Canton Sarajevo was held.
Education was carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Sarajevo Canton and 52 school social workers participated. Interactive workshops discussed methods and techniques of social work, problems and challenges in the field of school social work.
The education was organized by the members of the Department for Social Work, Prof. Dr. Suada Buljubašić, Head of Department, Prof. Dr. Sanela Šadic, Doz. Dr. Nedreta Šeric, Sen. Asst. Nina Babić, MA and Assist. Anida Dudic, MA.

Edukacija/stručno usavršavanje stručnih saradnika/socijalnih radnika
Edukacija/stručno usavršavanje stručnih saradnika/socijalnih radnika
Edukacija/stručno usavršavanje stručnih saradnika/socijalnih radnika
Edukacija/stručno usavršavanje stručnih saradnika/socijalnih radnika