Confucius Institute at University of Sarajevo in the Joint Conference of Central and Eastern Europe Confucius Institutes

Confucius Institute at the University of Sarajevo delegation: Chinese and Bosnian Directors of the Institute - Dr. La Weixin and Mr. Miroslav Živanović participate in the work of the Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe for 2018, which is held in Sofia, Bulgaria.
The Sofia conference was organized to enable Confucius Institutes in Central and Eastern Europe to exchange valuable experience gained through action in different local contexts, and to take an active part in the discussion on general topics related to the quality of Chinese language courses and its improvement, innovation in the development of the institute, and their specific roles in promoting the global Chinese initiative "1 Belt and 1 Road”, also known as the Silk Road of the 21st century, which relates to China's readiness for significant infrastructure and other capital investments, which, in the shortest time, enable better binding of PRC with the rest of the world.
The Confucius Institute at the University of Sarajevo delegation presented its views on the issues raised, emphasizing the readiness of the University of Sarajevo to put its scientific and research potential in the function of improving relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the People's Republic of China, which will take place in the mutual interest.