University of Sarajevo in peacebuilding - the role and importance of human rights in education

Univerzitet u Sarajevu u izgradnji mira – uloga i značaj ljudskih prava u obrazovanju

In cooperation with Professor Massimo Maria Caneva, Director of the Roma International Seminar and President of the European Association of International Studies (AESI), the University of Sarajevo (UNSA) has been participating in a special form of peacebuilding education for many years.


UNSA Vice Rector for International Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Enita Nakaš and senior assistant Mirza Hebib from the UNSA Faculty of Law participated in the Roma International Seminar held in San Martino al Cimino and Rome, from 13 to 21 May 2022, as part of the inter-university cooperation program to promote peace and culture of dialogue, organized by Roma Tre University, AESI Europe and others.


The program was implemented with the support of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. Many years of experience of Prof. Dr. Massimo Maria Caneva, resulted in the organization of international study programs and seminars. The program developed through the promotion of interuniversity cooperation for peace between the University of Sarajevo and the University of Belgrade immediately after the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement, and today it includes representatives of the United Nations and representatives of universities in the Middle East (Palestine Universities). , Private University of Syria, USEK of Lebanon and AUM Madaba of Jordan). The program is also supported by St. St. Petersburg State Economic University, University of Vienna, University of Gothenburg, St. Mary University College of London and UNED University of Madrid.


Analyzing the importance of inter-university cooperation for the development of a culture of dialogue and the promotion of peace, the seminar participants attended a general audience with Pope Francis and a conversation with the Secretary General of the Holy See on their role in promoting peace and a culture of dialogue.


More information on the European Association for International Studies (AESI):


More information about the programs at the University of Sarajevo (UNSA):

Univerzitet u Sarajevu u izgradnji mira – uloga i značaj ljudskih prava u obrazovanju
Univerzitet u Sarajevu u izgradnji mira – uloga i značaj ljudskih prava u obrazovanju
Univerzitet u Sarajevu u izgradnji mira – uloga i značaj ljudskih prava u obrazovanju
Univerzitet u Sarajevu u izgradnji mira – uloga i značaj ljudskih prava u obrazovanju
Univerzitet u Sarajevu u izgradnji mira – uloga i značaj ljudskih prava u obrazovanju
Univerzitet u Sarajevu u izgradnji mira – uloga i značaj ljudskih prava u obrazovanju