Visit of representatives of the National and University Library of BiH to the National and University Library of Republika Srpska

Posjeta predstavnika Nacionalne i univerzitetske biblioteke BiH Narodnoj i univerzitetskoj biblioteci Republike Srpske

National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina Director, Dr. Ismet Ovčina and his associates met in Banja Luka with the Director of the National and University Library of Republika Srpska, Mrs. Ljiljana Petrović Zečić and her associates, and the visit was preceded by the delivery of books from the contingent of the required copy.
With the warm welcome of colleagues from NUBRS, on this occasion Dr. Ovčina and Mrs. Petrović Zečić discussed topics related to the organization and management of libraries, as well as possible cooperation in the implementation of joint projects.
Mrs. Petrović Zečić proudly presented to the guests several very successful and significant projects that were recently realized at NUBRS, with a special emphasis on the multimedia “Room of Remembrance for Petar Kočić” - an exhibition dedicated to Kočić's life, his literary work and political work. At the end of the visit, Dr. Ovčina and Mrs. Petrović Zečić donated books to each other, and Dr. Ovčina invited the hosts on a return visit to the National and University Library of BiH.

Posjeta predstavnika Nacionalne i univerzitetske biblioteke BiH Narodnoj i univerzitetskoj biblioteci Republike Srpske
Posjeta predstavnika Nacionalne i univerzitetske biblioteke BiH Narodnoj i univerzitetskoj biblioteci Republike Srpske
Posjeta predstavnika Nacionalne i univerzitetske biblioteke BiH Narodnoj i univerzitetskoj biblioteci Republike Srpske
Posjeta predstavnika Nacionalne i univerzitetske biblioteke BiH Narodnoj i univerzitetskoj biblioteci Republike Srpske