Promotion of the book Pragmatika (Pragmatics) by Sabina Bakšić and Halid Bulić held

Promocija knjige „Pragmatika“ Sabine Bakšić i Halida Bulića

On 23 October 2019, the book Pragmatika (Pragmatics) by Sabina Bakšić and Halid Bulić was promoted in the Small Amphitheater, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo. About the book talked Prof. Dr. Amela Šehović, Prof. Dr. Merima Osmankadić, Doz. Dr. Selma Đuliman and authors. There were over one hundred attendees at the promotion, most of them teachers and students interested in the topic of the book.

The authors of the book are Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo professors and the publisher is the Sarajevo publishing house Bookline. At this year's Sarajevo Book Fair, the book was awarded the Best Textbook for Higher Education. The contents of the book are divided into ten chapters, which, on 304 pages discuss the development of pragmatics, and other topics that, in the author's view, may be of interest to the students and teachers to whom the book is intended. The promotion highlighted that the book is an important contribution to the development of pragmatics and that in the future it will be a significant unit in the literature lists for subjects that study pragmatics and general linguistics.


Promocija knjige „Pragmatika“ Sabine Bakšić i Halida Bulića
Promocija knjige „Pragmatika“ Sabine Bakšić i Halida Bulića
Promocija knjige „Pragmatika“ Sabine Bakšić i Halida Bulića
Promocija knjige „Pragmatika“ Sabine Bakšić i Halida Bulića