The UNSA Faculty of Forestry celebrates its 75th anniversary with an international conference

Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu

The University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Forestry is celebrating its 75th anniversary today with the international conference “Sustainable Heritage: Education, Research and Perspectives in Forestry and Urban Greenery”, with the participation of 150 guests from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the region and Europe.

The University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Forestry, as a leading educational and scientific-research institution in the field of forestry in Bosnia and Herzegovina, has a tradition of 75 years, which ranks it among the oldest higher education institutions in the country. With a proud legacy of 75 years, the Faculty of Forestry is the cornerstone of academic excellence, research and dissemination of knowledge in the field of forestry in BiH and the region.

Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo Dean, Prof. Dr. Ahmet Lojo pointed out that the forest wealth of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the need for its rational use and improvement, were the main arguments for the establishment of the first institutions for the education of forestry experts in its territory.

“We are lucky and honored to inherit 75 years of history as employees of the Faculty of Forestry, which were started by our older colleagues, who visionarily developed the Faculty. To date, we have educated more than 4,000 graduated engineers and bachelors in forestry and horticulture who, with their knowledge and work, have served their homeland and their vocation, for which they have been prepared and trained for years at our faculty. We are also proud of 99 masters of science and 53 doctorates defended at our faculty. A large number of our associate professors and workers have integrated themselves into the integrity of this institution from its foundation until today. The Faculty of Forestry of the University of Sarajevo is a leader and initiator of forestry science and the profession, but at the same time it is the shield of that profession and all the values that belong to it, which are often the target of different interests,” said Dean Lojo during his speech.

UNSA Rector, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj in his address emphasized that this jubilee not only marks a rich past of academic excellence, but also celebrates the enduring spirit of education, research and sustainable legacy that our distinguished institution has nurtured over the years. “The University of Sarajevo has been a source of knowledge, a nursery of ideas and a source of inspiration for three quarters of a century. The Faculty of Forestry, as our member, had a key role in shaping knowledge, nurturing talent and contributing to progress in this very specific and particularly significant scientific area for Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

He also emphasized that, gathered on the occasion of the International Conference entitled “Sustainable Heritage: Education, Research and Perspectives in Forestry and Urban Greenery,” we are not only celebrating our past successes, but looking towards the future filled with serious potential and numerous opportunities. “The theme of sustainability highlights our commitment to developing a harmonious coexistence between man and nature, which is imperative in today's rapidly changing world,” emphasized Rector Škrijelj, and added: “This conference is actually proof of our commitment to further reflection on sustainable practices and environmental management in accordance with the latest scientific knowledge and modern technologies.”

The conference aims to encourage participants to contribute to sustainable forest management, promote urban greening and advocate for policies that support these goals. The international conference will serve as a platform to promote the achievements of the Faculty of Forestry over the past 75 years and explore future directions for education and research. The planned international conference is an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience in the field of forestry at the regional and international level. Through joint efforts with stakeholders from the academic community, business, government entities, public and non-governmental sectors, this international conference will encourage the exchange of knowledge and experience, facilitate interdisciplinary cooperation and provide a platform for the creation of innovative ideas. This international conference also provides opportunities for networking and collaboration, enabling participants to network with experts, scientists, practitioners and related organizations in the field of forestry and urban greening.

Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu
Šumarski fakultet UNSA međunarodnom konferencijom obilježava 75. godišnjicu