The VIII Student Congress FOOD-NUTRITION-HEALTH with international participation held

Održan VIII studentski kongres HRANA-ISHRANA-ZDRAVLJE s međunarodnim učešćem

Teachers and students of UNSA Faculties of Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentistry with Dental Clinical Center, Natural Sciences and mathematics, Pedagogy, and Health Studies organized the 8th  Food-Nutrition-Health student congress with international participation, which was held at the Ibis Styles Sarajevo hotel from 9 to 11 November 2023.


This respectable and now traditional scientific gathering was attended by students from the University of Sarajevo, “Džemal Bijedić” University of Mostar, Vitez University and the University of Belgrade. 63 student works were presented to the audience, mostly as oral presentations, which addressed various important issues in the field of production, quality and food safety, as well as nutritional properties and health effects of certain foods or certain dietary patterns. The plenary lecture was held by Prof. Dr. Marija Pajić from the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.


In addition to lectures, professors and students from the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Dental Medicine with Dental Clinical Center also held a workshop on “Oral hygiene, nutrition and health”, and teachers and students from the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Medicine held a workshop on “Reanimation as the first option “.


The main conclusion of the congress is the exceptional importance of an interdisciplinary approach to understanding and solving challenges in the field of food, nutrition and health, as well as connecting future professionals of different profiles with the aim of encouraging cooperation and adopting open dialogue as a principle and norm already in the education process itself, so that in the same way this kind of cooperation continued through further professional development and work in practice of once-graduated students. The results of the congress, as well as the impressions of the participants, confirm the willingness and great interest of students and teachers of a large number of universities from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region to continue this kind of cooperation and personal development through the next Food-Nutrition-Health congress planned for 2024. Although joint education of related professions is common in developed societies, it is usually kept within the framework of one economic or social sector. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the Food-Nutrition-Health student congress conceptually represents a kind of pioneering project whose multiple positive effects we can already clearly see. The message of the organizers is therefore that this model of educational activity should be strongly promoted in the entire educational system, especially university education.


The importance of the congress was recognized and continuously supported financially by state institutions and business companies, including: the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Youth of Sarajevo Canton, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, the companies Bosnalijek d.o.o., Salveo d.o.o., Abela Pharm d.o.o., Center for Advanced studies, AS Holding d.o.o. We provide other forms of cooperation and support with the Food Safety Agency of BiH, the Veterinary Office of BiH, and non-governmental organizations and associations whose program goals are aligned with the theme and goals of the Congress. In this way, the Congress contributes to connecting education, economy, government bodies and local communities, that is, to the development of society as a whole.


Yours sincerely,


Dr. Sci. Faruk Čaklovica, professor emeritus


Održan VIII studentski kongres HRANA-ISHRANA-ZDRAVLJE s međunarodnim učešćem
Održan VIII studentski kongres HRANA-ISHRANA-ZDRAVLJE s međunarodnim učešćem
Održan VIII studentski kongres HRANA-ISHRANA-ZDRAVLJE s međunarodnim učešćem
Održan VIII studentski kongres HRANA-ISHRANA-ZDRAVLJE s međunarodnim učešćem