Universities of Sarajevo and Zenica Managements Meeting

Sastanak menadžmenta Univerziteta u Zenici i menadžmenta Univerziteta u Sarajevu

A meeting of the management of the University of Zenica was held at the University of Zenica Rectorate, led by Prof. Dr. Sc. Jusuf Duraković, and the management of the University of Sarajevo, led by Prof. Dr. Sc. Rifat Škrijelj. Vice-Rectors of both universities attended the meeting.

The meeting discussed the strengthening of existing inter-university cooperation, as well as joint participation in projects and various forms of scientific research work of interest for both higher education institutions.


Sastanak menadžmenta Univerziteta u Zenici i menadžmenta Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Sastanak menadžmenta Univerziteta u Zenici i menadžmenta Univerziteta u Sarajevu