Sarajevo - University Center

Meeting of Mayor of Sarajevo and University of Sarajevo Rector
A large network of world cities with which the City of Sarajevo has established friendly relations will be operational in order to promote Sarajevo as a university center. This is one of conclusions from today's visit by the Sarajevo mayor Abdulah Skaka and associates to the University of Sarajevo and talks with the Rector, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škijelj and Vice Rectors.
Mayor Skaka presented the project of promotion of Sarajevo as a university center that would be realized through the joint performance of the City and University at local and international level in the fields of education, science, culture and art. The project willbe realized through the organization of joint study programs in English in co-operation between the University of Sarajevo Faculties and the universities from the City of Sarajevo’s twin cities. The planned joint study programs would attract to Sarajevo students from the region, Europe and the world.
Rector Škrijelj assessed the proposed project as exceptionally high quality and emphasized its long-term consistency and internationalization as the strategic goal of the University of Sarajevo.