Promotion of the monograph Judicial Palace. Study On Protection Of Building's Façade
On Thursday, 24 June 2021, at the National Theater in Sarajevo, a promotion of the monograph Judicial Palace. Study on Protection Of Building's Façade by Lemja Chabbouh-Aksami, Mirza Hebib, Ammar Akšamija and Dženis Avdić takes place.
This is a publication of the Faculty of Law of the University of Sarajevo published in the spring of 2020, the result of the work of two University of Sarajevo Faculties - Law and Architecture, within a joint project entitled “Study of facade canvas protection of the Judicial Palace.”
After introductory and welcoming speeches by Prof. Dr. Hajrija Sijerčić-Čolić, Faculty of Law in Sarajevo Dean, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, University of Sarajevo Rector, Prof. Dr. Melika Husić- Mehmedović, Minister of Science, Higher Education and Youth of Sarajevo Canton and Doz. Dr. Benjamina Karić, Sarajevo Mayor, Prof. Dr. Fikret Karčić and Prof. Dr. Lemja Chabbouh-Akšamia will address attendees.
The monograph was created as a result of a research project of special interest to the Sarajevo Canton, which was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton. The concept of the project is based on its interdisciplinary character and social significance, which develops awareness of the importance of restoring cultural heritage, urban history and “institutional architecture.” Just as the city of Sarajevo is a meeting place of civilizations and cultures, East and West, authentic and pseudo-authentic styles, so the Judicial Palace is a meeting place of law, university education and architecture, justice and fairness, research and scientific qualifications and recognizable elements of Neo-Renaissance and Neoclassicism.
The monograph includes: Preface (H. Sijerčić-Čolić); Introduction (L. Chabbouh-Akšamija); Contribution to the history of the judiciary and courts in Sarajevo (M. Hebib); Judicial Palace - Legal framework in the process of protection of the National Monument (M. Hebib); Study of the protection of the façade canvass of the Judicial Palace (L. Chabbouh-Akšamija, A. Akšamija, J. Avdić) and Conclusion (L. Chabbouh-Akšamija). In its entirety, the monograph presents a chronology of one of the most important buildings of the Austro-Hungarian period that were built in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sarajevo during the Austro-Hungarian rule. It is also a kind of chronology of the development of modern justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The continuity of performing the judicial function, for which the Palace was built, has been present for more than a hundred years, and for more than 70 years, the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo and the University of Sarajevo Mayor have been located in part of the Palace. The long tradition of legal education and judging within the Judicial Palace is a recognizable element of Sarajevo's cultural and historical heritage, but also part of the tradition of Bosnia and Herzegovina. legal communities. This tradition contributes to the preservation of the past and the memory of the people and events that marked the times behind us. Having in mind the preserved authenticity, the Commission to Preserve National Monuments, at its session held on 21 December 2018, adopted the Decision to designate the historic building - the Judicial Palace in Sarajevo as a National Monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this regard, the monograph can open the door to new activities on the restoration and protection of the facade canvas of the Judicial Palace. Therefore, one of the missions of the Monograph is to point out the necessity of restoration and conservation of the Judicial Palace, one of the most monumental buildings from the period of Austro-Hungarian rule, and also a national monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina.