Minister of Science, Higher Education and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton visited the UNSA Institute for Crime Research against Humanity and International Law

Ministrica  za nauku, visoko obrazovanje i mlade Kantona Sarajevo posjetila Institut za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti I međunarodnog prava UNSA

On 13 February 2024, Minister of Science, Higher Education and Youth of the Sarajevo Canton, Prof. Dr. Adna Mesihović visited the University of Sarajevo – Institute for Crime Research against Humanity and International Law.


In her address, Minister Mesihović emphasized the importance of investing in scientific work and the infrastructure for scientific research in order to improve academic excellence and create optimal conditions for scientific research work. Initiatives and projects supported by the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth are key to maintaining a high level of research excellence at the Institute.


Institute Director, Prof. Dr. Rasim Muratović briefly presented the Institute, emphasizing that, by passing various stages of development and restructuring, it is under favorable and less favorable circumstances, preserving civilizational standards in the toughest conditions in which any European scientific research institution has found in recent times, The Institute for Crime Research against Humanity and International Law during its action from establishment to date has strongly contributed to the overall development of scientific thought in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The Institute for Crime Research against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo is a public scientific institution engaged in the investigation of crimes against peace, the crime of genocide and other serious violations of international humanitarian law from historical, legal, sociological, criminological, economic, demographic, psychological, politicological, cultural, medical, environmental and other aspects relevant to comprehensive scientific research on crimes.

In this context, the Institute for Crime Research against Humanity and International Law will continue and strengthen the role of a leading institution in the country with a young generation of researchers, which has entered the public scene, and strengthen the role of a leading institution in the state, and beyond in the region, in this area.


At the end of the meeting, it was concluded that the visit of the Minister Prof. Dr. Adna Mesihović University of Sarajevo – The Institute for Crime Research against Humanity and International Law symbolizes the Ministry's continued support for this scientific institution as well as recognition for its work so far, these support for all activities that the Institute will realize in the future.

Ministrica  za nauku, visoko obrazovanje i mlade Kantona Sarajevo posjetila Institut za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti I međunarodnog prava UNSA
Ministrica  za nauku, visoko obrazovanje i mlade Kantona Sarajevo posjetila Institut za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti I međunarodnog prava UNSA