Kick-Off Meeting as a part of the project GEDIS - Gender Diversity in Information Science: Challenges in Higher Education in Barcelona, Spain

Kick-off sastanak u sklopu projekta GEDIS – Gender Diversity in Information Science: Challenges in Higher Education u Barceloni, Španija

GEDIS - Gender Diversity in Information Science: Challenges in Higher Education,



The meeting of partners in the ERASMUS + project GEDIS - Gender Diversity in Information Science: Challenges in Higher Education, 2024-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000246558, was held at the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (UB) in Barcelona, Spain from 12 to 13 March 2025.

The meeting was organized by the coordinator of the GEDIS project Universitat de Barcelona (Spain). The meeting was attended by project coordinators from Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) and representatives of: Stiftung Universitat Hildesheim (Germany), Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku (Croatia), Sveučilište u Zadru (Croatia), University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), FH Kärnten – University of Applied Sciences (Austria) and Slezska Univerzita v Opave (Czechia).

Project coordinator representatives from the Universitat de Barcelona, Spain presented the fundamental objectives of the 2024-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000246558 project, followed with a detailed presentation of working packages, and in particular: Developing Gender-Inclusive Teaching Innovations in Library and Information Sciences, Detecting best practices in gender perspective in teaching in LIS, Integrating Gender Perspectives in Teaching and Learning: The Role of Librarians in Engaging Faculty and Students and Training about Delphi methodology. Afterwards, all partners briefly presented their institutions and project participants, their responsibilities within the project as well as the needs and expectations related to the project. Later at the meeting, the obligations of the partners in terms of writing reports, financial statements, reports on mobility, and dissemination activities were discussed. On the second day of the kick-off meeting, representatives of partner institutions participated in the Dissemination pop-up activity of recording radio podcasts. As a second part of the meeting, on 14 March, partner representatives participated in the workshop about creative research methods with a gender perspective.