Interuniversity Cooperation Agreement between the University of Sarajevo and the University - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology Signed

Potpisan Sporazum o međuuniverzitetskoj saradnji između Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Univerziteta - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology

On 20 February 2024, at a ceremony held at the premises of the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo, it was signed Interuniversity Cooperation Agreement between the University of Sarajevo and the University - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (University of SSST).

The agreement was signed by Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, University of Sarajevo Rector, and Prof. Dr. Vjekoslav Dopljan, Rector of the University - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology, in the presence of UNSA Vice-Rectors: Prof. Dr. Mirza Dautbašić and Prof. Dr. Tamarae Karača-Beljak, President and founder of the University of SSST Prof. Dr. Ejup Ganić, Executive Director Mr. Emir Ganić, and Mrs. Lejla Abdurahmanović of the Legal Service of the University of SSST.

The signed Agreement aims to promote teaching, artistic, scientific research and professional work, raise awareness of the importance of academic freedoms as the basic goals on which higher education is based, and the development and improvement of science and artistic creation.

According to the content of the Agreement, the subject of cooperation between these two highly educated institutions includes the preparation, development and implementation of joint research international and domestic projects; mutual engagement of teaching scientists in various forms of scientific and technical, educational and business cooperation, as well as the joint organization or co-organization of scientific sets, symposia, lectures, as well as additional teaching and extracurricular activities.

By signing the Agreement, the University of Sarajevo and the University - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology are opening a new chapter in cooperation, consolidating its commitment to academic excellence. This Agreement is not only a formal act, but symbolizes the deep-rooted commitment of both highly educated institutions to improve education, research and innovation.

Potpisan Sporazum o međuuniverzitetskoj saradnji između Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Univerziteta - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
Potpisan Sporazum o međuuniverzitetskoj saradnji između Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Univerziteta - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
Potpisan Sporazum o međuuniverzitetskoj saradnji između Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Univerziteta - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology
Potpisan Sporazum o međuuniverzitetskoj saradnji između Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Univerziteta - Sarajevo School of Science and Technology