The International Day of Radiology celebrated at the UNSA Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Obilježen međunarodni dan radiologije na Veterinarskom fakultetu UNSA

The Clinic for Veterinary Radiology and Physical Therapy at the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine marked 8 November 8 - the International Day of Radiology. The purpose of the celebration was to raise public awareness of radiological diagnostics and its role in diagnosing patients' illnesses, as well as to promote the role and importance of radiology in modern veterinary medicine.

We spent the day working together with the students, and we rewarded all our patients with modest gifts provided by Royal Canin.

At the end of the working day, in the student club Equus, there was an opportunity to socialize with students and colleagues from the Veterinary Clinical Center (VKC).

Obilježen Međunarodni dan radiologije na Veterinarskom fakultetu UNSA
Obilježen Međunarodni dan radiologije na Veterinarskom fakultetu UNSA
Obilježen Međunarodni dan radiologije na Veterinarskom fakultetu UNSA
Obilježen Međunarodni dan radiologije na Veterinarskom fakultetu UNSA
Obilježen Međunarodni dan radiologije na Veterinarskom fakultetu UNSA
Obilježen Međunarodni dan radiologije na Veterinarskom fakultetu UNSA
Obilježen Međunarodni dan radiologije na Veterinarskom fakultetu UNSA
Obilježen Međunarodni dan radiologije na Veterinarskom fakultetu UNSA