Commemorative Academy Dedicated to Marking January 27 – International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Komemorativna akademija posvećena 27. januaru – Međunarodnom danu sjećanja na žrtve holokausta

The Jewish Community of BiH and the Jewish Municipality in Sarajevo, in cooperation with the Council of Ministers of BiH, the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH, organized a commemorative academy dedicated to marking 27 January - the International Day of Remembrance of Holocaust Victims.


The Central Commemorative Academy was held on 25 January 2024 in the Jewish Municipality of Sarajevo. According to the Academy's program, prayer for the victims of Nazi persecution was led by Igor Kožemjakin, chazan of the Jewish community in Sarajevo, while welcoming speeches were made by Jakob Finci, president of the Jewish community of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Benjamina Karić, Mayor of Sarajevo.


The program was completed by performances of “Kaddish” and “Chanson hebraique” by Maurice Ravel (1875-1937).


On behalf of the University of Sarajevo, the commemorative academy was attended by Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, Rector and Prof. Dr. Rasim Muratović, Institute for Research on Crimes Against Humanity and International Law Director.

Komemorativna akademija posvećena 27. januaru – Međunarodnom danu sjećanja na žrtve holokausta
Komemorativna akademija posvećena 27. januaru – Međunarodnom danu sjećanja na žrtve holokausta
Komemorativna akademija posvećena 27. januaru – Međunarodnom danu sjećanja na žrtve holokausta
Komemorativna akademija posvećena 27. januaru – Međunarodnom danu sjećanja na žrtve holokausta
Komemorativna akademija posvećena 27. januaru – Međunarodnom danu sjećanja na žrtve holokausta
Komemorativna akademija posvećena 27. januaru – Međunarodnom danu sjećanja na žrtve holokausta