The Academic Community Bid Farewell to University of Sarajevo Professor Emeritus Dr. Zdravko Grebo

Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu

At the commemorative session held in UNSA Ceremonial Hall on 1 February 2019, family members, friends, colleagues, academic community members and numerous admirers bid farewell to Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo distinguished professor, Dr. Zdravko Grebo., professor emeritus.

The commemorative session was led by Prof. Dr. Fikret Karčić, Faculty of Law, who spoke about the distinguished professor, the original thinker, an engaged European intellectual, a sincere colleague and friend “He was a law professor who did not burning social issues left as marginalia in his works, but the subject of his social engagement.”

Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj, University of Sarajevo Rector, said that all University of Sarajevo academic community members feel deep sorrow upon hearing the news of Professor Grebo’s passing away.

"As University of Sarajevo rector, I am sorry that future student generations at the Faculty of Law and the University of Sarajevo will be bereft of the knowledge, wisdom and experience of that great professor and activist. However, if there is something that can provide comfort in these difficult moments, then it might be an exceptional academic and civic legacy of our professor emeritus, Dr. Zdravko Grebo”, said Rector Škrijelj.

Prof. Dr. Jasminka Gradaščević-Sijerčić, Head of the Department for Public and International Public Law, bid farewell to Professor Grebo on behalf of the Faculty of Law. She stated that his human, human, scientific, intellectual, teaching, research and other qualities, made him a unique phenomenon from our region - uniquely united in diversity.
"He was accessible, honest, critical, but self-critical, modern but also traditional, Herzegovina and Bosnian patriot and cosmopolitan. A brave, good, open, and friendly, man left the scene”, emphasized Professor Gradaščević-Sijerčić “The Prof. Grebo’s secret strength was in simplicity and accessibility. He was always ready to talk. He argued for his views. He spoke when others were silent. He never lost his sense of humor and justice” stressed Professor Gradaščević-Sijerčić.

On behalf of Professor Grebo's friend, Boro Kontić, his longtime friend, delivered an eulogy. They met as a student and professor in early 1970s. “"Zdravko Grebo was an unconventional person. He was such an assistant, later a professor. It was the same in the short story of politicians when we suddenly learned that a politician can speak with sentences that are not empty tape. That the language of politics can be understandable and interesting” said Mr. Kontić.

Professor Zdravko Grebo was born in Mostar on July 30, 1947. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo in 1970. He completed his postgraduate studies and his doctorate at the University of Belgrade.
He worked as a full professor at the University of Sarajevo Faculty of Law. He was the founder of the City radio ZID, the founder and director of the ZID Publishing House, a member of the Executive Board of the Bosnian Peace Corps, the founder of the HCA for the former Yugoslavia, the director of the Law Center FOD BiH, the director of the international postgraduate course "European Studies" and the founder of the Open Society Fund BiH.

Also at the commemoration, Professor Haris Pašović bid a farewell on behalf of his friend “Zdravko Grebo was complicated, he was complex, at the same time he was simple, because he was a great man.”

Zdravko Grebo won the European Club for Peace and Racism and Xenophobia 1994, Roosevelt Medal 1994, and the French Honor of Honor Award in 2003.

He published books: „Marks i Kelsen“, Svjetlost, Sarajevo, 1979.
•    „Pravni sistem SFRJ“, „Savremena administracija“, Beograd, 1972.
•    „Philosophy of Law“, „Loyla University“, New Orleans, 1984.
•    „Savremena američka pravna teorija“, Separat III programa RTS BiH, 1989.
•    „Novi Ustav BiH“, Theoris iuris, Sarajevo, 1993.
•    „Elementi evropskog prava“, editor, University of Sarajevo, 1994.

Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Akademska zajednica se oprostila od dr. Zdravka Grebe, profesora emeritusa Univerziteta u Sarajevu