The Faculty of Health Studies Received New Equipment through Strengthening Nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina Project

Fakultet zdravstvenih studija

As part of a project through Strengthening Nursing in Bosnia and Herzegovina which is implemented by the Fami Foundation and Geneva University Hospital and funded by the Government of Switzerland, the Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo received new additional equipment for Health Care study program enrolled students.
Through the project’s first phase, the Faculty received basic equipment for the clinical skills cabinet, while through the second one, additional medical equipment was donated for the completion of equipping the clinical skills cabinet. The additional equipment receiving took place at the Faculty of Health Studies, University of Sarajevo on Tuesday, 29 January 2019.
The equipped clinical skills cabinets enable the improvement of student practical clinical skills within the health care program. On highly sophisticated models - simulators, students are trained in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, i.e. health care interventions. In this way, students are getting prepared for clinical practice in health care institutions and are able to provide professional and effective health care at all levels of health care.
This is a part of the ongoing curriculum reform and innovation process within the first and second cycle of the health care study program and their harmonizing with the European Union standards.