Discussion "Assertiveness and non-violent communication"

Teološka tribina „Asertivnost i nenasilna komunikacija“
Datum događaja
Mjesto događaja
Katolički bogoslovni fakultet, Dvorana Pavla VI, Josipa Stadlera 5, Sarajevo

The lecturers: Mr. Belinda Milanović, Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Dr. Oliver Jurišić, Faculty of Catholic Theology will speak on topics “Nonviolent communication as a necessary means to remain a human being in difficult circumstances” “Assertive Truth and Interreligious Speech.”
From the philosophical-religious "Truth Will Set You Free" to everyday and thoughtful "Silence is gold", the truth has been proven to be a controversial since ancient times and at the same time liberating and disturbing, healing and destructive topic. The famous writer George Martin notes that people often claim that they are hungry for truth, but they rarely like her taste when served. But what if the whole issue of truth is reduced to precisely the "mode of preparation and serving.” Is there a way of interpersonal communication that is both honest and correct at the same time, and which at the same time takes care of its own interests, but leaves a decent space for empathy, that is, for the interests of other people? It is precisely, under the latter question, that we open an interesting but also deeply existential subject of nonviolent communication. Today's "condensed" world demands the implementation of the spirit of cooperation, but the same prospect will not be possible without the adoption of new and improved communication methods and habits.
Moderator: Doz. Dr. Mario Bernadić.

Teološka tribina