Professional training on the Prevention of Juvenile Addiction, Resocialization and Strengthening of Mental Health
On 19 and 20 November 2024, faculty members of the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies, Prof. Dr. Elmedin Muratbegović and Prof. Dr. Irma Deljkić, participated in the training of employees, beneficiaries in support and rehabilitated addicts of the Public Institution Therapeutic Community Campus of the Canton of Sarajevo as part of the Social Program for 2024, entitled “Strengthening the Mental Health of Beneficiaries through the Support of Institutions from the Health Care System”, which is supported by the Ministry of Labor, Social Policy, Displaced Persons and Refugees of the Canton of Sarajevo. Prof. Dr. Elmedin Muratbegović gave a lecture for Campus employees on the topic “Implementation of the Law on Juveniles and the Position of the Campus in the Implementation of Educational Recommendations”. Professor Muratbegović and the participants exchanged opinions, personal experiences, and good practice examples on the subject. They discussed the stigmatization of addicts, as well as the institutional approach to underage drug users. Prof. Dr. Irma Deljkić gave a lecture for Campus employees, users in support, and rehabilitated addicts on the topic “Prevention of Juvenile Addiction as Part of the Implementation of the Strategy and Action Plan for the Prevention and Suppression of Drug Abuse in the Sarajevo Canton (2024-2008)”. Professor Deljkić informed the participants about the importance and method of implementing the defined strategic measures and action activities. In an interactive atmosphere, opinions, personal experiences, as well as good examples from practice were exchanged regarding addiction prevention, daily counseling centers for underage drug users, stigmatization of addicts, institutional approach to juvenile addiction, resocialization, and social reintegration of addicts.