Erasmus + ZOOM Week

The International Cooperation Service, University of Sarajevo organized an “Erasmus + ZOOM Week” to mark the Erasmus Days (from 15 to 17 October 2020 -
Every year in October, the International Cooperation Office organizes the International Staff Training Week and the Scholarship Fair, where we would gather international staff from partner institutions and local students and staff members to socialize actively participate in communication, research and exchange information on potential mobility and cooperation. Given that we are not able to physically host dear friends from partner institutions across Europe, we decided to take advantage of modern technology and organize Erasmus + ZOOM meetings between our students and staff and international partners for which our office issued a call for mobility in the summer semester 2020/2021. (
The main idea is to organize a ZOOM meeting where we would invite European partners to present their institution and study offer and get involved in communication and question and answer session through "special group rooms" in ZOOM, while UNSA students and staff will be able to enter rooms and ask questions. The planned agenda is to have five universities per day from 12 to 16 October 2020 for sessions lasting a maximum of 2 hours, each day, from 12:00 to 14:00 (CET).
The University of Sarajevo currently has over 20 calls for mobility in the summer semester (with the expectation that we will open more), NOTING that all mobility will be implemented ONLY if health and safety conditions are provided, as well as lifting travel bans due to the current COVID19 pandemic worldwide.
More information on how to participate is given at the Facebook event:
Monday, 12/10/2020 (12:00 - 14:00)
• Introductory address
• address by Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Enita Nakaš
• Introduction to the Erasmus + ZOOM week program
• Opening of “rooms”:
• University of Nova Lisboa, Portugal
Tuesday, 10/13/2020 (12:00 - 14:00)
• Opening of rooms:
• University of Pécs, Hungary
Wednesday, 14/10/2020 (12:00 - 14:00)
• Opening of “rooms”:
• Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
• Agricultural Institute in Lille, France
Thursday, 15/10/2020 (12:00 - 14:00)
• Opening of rooms:
• Alexandru Ioan Cuza Iasi University, Romania
Friday, 16/10/2020 (12:00 - 14:00)
• Rooms opening
How to participate in ZOOM sessions (UNSA students and staff)?
You can access the “Erasmus + ZOOM Week” event via the ZOOM application, via the link:, every day (12-16/10/2020) from 12:00.
About Erasmus days
Erasmus Days are an annual celebration of the Erasmus + program, the largest program of the European Union for education, training, youth and sports. This year, they will be held from 15 to 17 October 2020. International participants in the fields of education, higher education, adult education, vocational education and training, youth and sports have been celebrating Erasmus Days for three years and informing users, participants, institutions, organizations, associations, networks and initiatives, but also the general public about the results of numerous good practice projects, on opportunities for involvement and offer inspiration for participation in the Erasmus + program.
Erasmus Days were first held in 2017 at the initiative of the French National Agency for the Erasmus + program. In 2018, during the two days, a total of 1435 events were held in 39 European countries. In 2019, the event lasted for three days and gathered participants in as many as 3995 events in 53 countries.