Istraživanje i saradnja

Staff week

What is Staff Week?

International Staff Training Week (short: Staff week) is a five-day event organised by a higher education institution (representative offices for international relations/cooperation) which includes seminars, workshops, presentations and active participation of domestic experts and international partners. In addition, the designed program with a focus on the processes of internationalisation of the university includes social and cultural activities and tastings of local culinary products. This is an opportunity to present and connect partners, faculty, students and officials at the offices for International Cooperation.

Staff Week at the University of Sarajevo

The International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo started this activity in 2017 as a "pilot activity" within the Erasmus + project for capacity building of Strengthening Internationalisation in B&H higher education – STINT. Our goal is to get to know each other and connect staff who actively participate in implementing incoming and outgoing mobility and international projects through joint sessions where the advantages and disadvantages are presented and try to solve possible problems.

The International Relations Office organizes two International Staff Training Weeks during the year, usually in Spring and Autumn. 

The 12th International Staff Training Week will be held from 21 to 25 October 2024. More information soon.


11th International Staff training Week

01-05 July 2024


The International Relations Office of the University of Sarajevo is organizing its 11th International Staff Training Week. It will include innovative sessions and well-proven workshops. The main topic is the Erasmus+ program, its implementation, results, challenges, and testimonials, but we will focus on the quality of its implementation, best practices, and networking. Of course, some cultural activities are planned, too. The registration for our staff week will be open in mid-February. You can check the previous staff weeks below. 

  • Registration is closed!
  • Working language: English
  • Target group: we invite Erasmus+ coordinators and International Relations officers across Europe who deal with international projects, international mobility and contribute internationalisation-at-home 
  • Agenda - check here


10th International Staff Training Week


  • Title: Simply the best vol. 2
  • Dates of the event: 23-27 October 2023
  • Place: University of Sarajevo
  • Agenda: draft version
  • Working language: English
  • Press clipping: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 - cultural activities


The 9th International Staff Training Week 


  • Title: Simply the best 
  • Dates of the event: 03-07 July 2023
  • Place: University of Sarajevo
  • Agenda: download
  • Working language: English
  • Press clipping and photos: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5

The 8th Staff Week


  • The title of the event: "Erasmus gone wrong"
  • Dates: 24-28 October 2022
  • Place: Rectorate University of Sarajevo
  • Participating institutions
  • Agenda <<< click here
  • Working language: English 
  • Press clipping: click here
  • Gallery: Soon

The 7th Staff Week


The 6th Staff Week

The International Relations Office has organised the 6th Staff Week held from 11-15 October 2021 at the University of Sarajevo. More…

The 5th Staff Week

The International Relations Office organised the 5th International Staff Training Week called "Open Up" for professional training of our partners who have the "Covid19-green-light" to travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina. More…

The 4th Staff Week

The fourth week of staff training ("Erasmus + Zoom week") was organised to mark Erasmus Day (from 11 to 17 October 2020 – Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was organised online. More …

The 3rd Staff Week

From 14 to 18 October 2019, the Third International Staff Training Week was held, which focused on the university's internationalisation processes. More…

The 2nd Staff Week

The training week is intended for those responsible for implementing international cooperation at a higher education institution. The Second Week of Training topic was "The Bridge of Internationalisation between the European Union and the Western Balkans". More…

The 1st Staff Week

The first week of staff training was held in October 2017, where we involved several European partners in the activities of our Office (Scholarship Fair, orientation program for international students, visits to other partners in BiH). The week resulted from UNSA's involvement in the Erasmus+ Capacity Building project STINT, where we had to define and implement four pilot activities (including staff week). After implementing the pilot activity, we concluded that our Office could respond to the internationalisation needs and continue to be more active in organising this activity.