RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop - A two-day workshop was held at the University of Sarajevo

RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu

The University of Sarajevo hosted a two-day workshop under the preparatory phase project for the establishment of RESILIENCE infrastructure (RESILIENCE PPP), and in order to assess user experiences in the field of religious studies in the Balkans, and to intensify activities related to the realization and analysis of the impact of RESILIENCE infrastructure. The workshop was held on 4 and 5 March 2024 in Gaza Husrev-beg's library.

A two-day event brought together researchers and associates from partner institutions of the project, including the University of Minster, the Catholic University of Leuven, the University of Warsaw, the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI-Institut für Angewandte Informatik e.V.), University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Political Sciences, Catholic School of God and the Institute of History, as well as Gaza Husrev-beg's library.

On the first day of the workshop, the buildings were presented previous project activities related to the planning of RESILIENCE infrastructure services, and have been organized individual interviews with researchers and associates under activities to assess digital user experiences in the field of relligmatic studies in the Balkans and measuring the availability of data collections and manuscript catalogs.

On the second day of the event, the activities of the research team of the University of Sarajevo were presented, which works to measure the impact of RESILIENCE infrastructure, which includes a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators, surveys, case study and cooperation with participants in order to comprehensively assess the impact of infrastructure in advancing the field of religious studies through digital resources. An interactive workshop was also held in order to prepare a methodology for data collection and further development of impact assessment plans.


Visiting guest researchers were also received to the Faculty of Islamic Sciences and the Catholic School of God, as well as a tour of Gaza Husrev-beg's library, its special collections and museum settings, and its Department of Conservation and Restoration.


RESILIENCE is a unique, interdisciplinary research infrastructure for religious studies, through which a high-performance platform develops, provide development tools and large amounts of data to researchers and scientists from all scientific fields related to various aspects of the study of religion, whether in the present or throughout history.


The RESILIENCE infrastructure is included in the ESFRI Roadmap for 2021, which is positioned on the list of strategic infrastructure in the European Research Area.


The European Union's preparatory phase project (2022-2026) is funded by the European Union through the Horizon Europe program, in accordance with the Grant Treaty No. 101079792.


RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu
RESILIENCE Sarajevo Workshop | Održana dvodnevna radionica na Univerzitetu u Sarajevu