Study visit to the University of Ljubljana and institutions in the science and research sector of the Republic of Slovenia

Studijska posjeta Univerzitetu u Ljubljani i institucijama u sektoru nauke i istraživanja Republike Slovenije

As part of Horizon Europe activities of the POLICY ANSWERS project: creating policies in research and innovation, implementation and support for the countries of the Western Balkans (R&I POLICY making, implementation AND Support in the WEsteRn BalkanS), a study visit was arranged to the University of Ljubljana and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and innovations of Slovenia and the Public Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia - ARIS.


The delegation of BiH the team of the POLICY ANSWERS project consisted of representatives of the University of Sarajevo headed by the Vice-Rector for Rsearch, Prof. Dr. Mirzo Dautbašić, representatives of the University of Banja Luka headed by Ass. Prof. Dr. Anđelo Pepić, head of the Center for Development and Research Support of the University of Banja Luka, and representatives of the Ministry of Science and Technology Development and Higher Education of the Republic of Srpska and representatives of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth of Sarajevo Canton.


Members of the delegation participated in the Days of Science event, organized by the Public Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia - ARIS, and through meetings with representatives of the Agency, they exchanged useful information about funding models for scientific research activities, plans for investments in the science sector in the Republic of Slovenia, and ways to secure financial resources and strengthen the capacity of actors in the field of research and innovation.


Representatives of the University of Sarajevo, as well as relevant ministries for science in the Republic of Srpska and the Sarajevo Canton had meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia with the aim of dialogue on the current state of science and research, as well as support activities for the implementation of the Agenda for Western Balkans in the field of cooperation in research and innovation, education, culture and sports. Experiences were exchanged on models of financing scientific research activities, and ways of monitoring and evaluating research projects.


On the second day of the visit, a meeting was held with the management of the University of Ljubljana. The delegation from Bosnia and Herzegovina met with the representatives of the University of Ljubljana headed by the rector Prof. Dr. Gregor Majdić. The organization of scientific research activities at the University of Ljubljana was presented, as well as active programs to support NIR, participation in international research projects, and plans and future events. Possibilities for cooperation in the field of research work, and joint participation in project activities, as well as support activities for scientific activity through international associations and forums, were discussed.


Through the POLICY ANSWERS project, the joint efforts of the European Union and the countries of the Western Balkans in the areas of cooperation in research and innovation will be continued and improved, with the common goal of implementing the adopted Agenda for the progress of the countries of the Western Balkans in these areas. The ultimate goal is to support stability and progress in the process of strengthening the European perspective of the Western Balkan region.

Studijska posjeta Univerzitetu u Ljubljani i institucijama u sektoru nauke i istraživanja Republike Slovenije
Studijska posjeta Univerzitetu u Ljubljani i institucijama u sektoru nauke i istraživanja Republike Slovenije
Studijska posjeta Univerzitetu u Ljubljani i institucijama u sektoru nauke i istraživanja Republike Slovenije
Studijska posjeta Univerzitetu u Ljubljani i institucijama u sektoru nauke i istraživanja Republike Slovenije