"Section of lovers of exotic and wild animals" started working at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Students Association

Sekcija ljubitelja egzotičnih i divljih životinja

"Section of lovers of exotic and wild animals" started working at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Students Association with the aim of gathering students and their organized participation in scientific research work under the mentorship of teaching staff from the subject Physiology of domestic animals.

The objectives and activities of the section are:

  • Connecting members for the purpose of scientific research in the field of protection of exotic and wild animals in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Keeping records of the types of exotic and wild animals and their distribution in Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Implementation of international conventions on the protection and welfare of animals;
  • Organization of lectures, workshops or scientific expert meetings for the purpose of education;
  • Writing scientific papers and publishing them in books, magazines, if necessary with the consent of the leader and on the FB's section of the section and in other publications;
  • Exchange of experiences with the same or similar associations in the country and abroad.

E-mail section: egzoticnezivotinje@vfs.unsa.ba
FB page: https://www.facebook.com/vfssekcijazaegzoticneidivljezivotinje