Sarajevo Islamic Finance and Economics - SIFEC 2019


Largest Conference on Islamic Finance and Economics in Southeast Europe

The Sarajevo Islamic Finance and Economics (SIFEC 2019) is the largest conference on Islamic finance and economics in Southeastern Europe. This year, it will be held at the Gazi Husrev-Bey’s Library in Sarajevo on 25 October 2019.
Contemporary issues in Islamic economics, banking and finance, particularly the issue of financial inclusion and corporate social responsibility will be discussed at the SIFEC 2019, as well as some of the Islamic finance practices in Western developed countries (Norway, Germany), other countries (Indonesia, Turkey, Albania, Malaysia, Nigeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina). As part of a special panel, Oslo Peace Institute researchers will present the first findings of their study on the financial exclusion of minorities in the Nordic countries (FINEX).

Keynote speaker is Dr. Humayon Dar, a Cambridge economist, with a wide range of interests in development practices and financial services. His Cambridge education and background and current position represent the perfect academic and practical background and prerequisites for influencing policymaking in the 57 member Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries. 

The Conference’s main goal is bringing together experts in the fields of Islamic economics, banking and finance to present their scientific research papers and exchange experiences in this important scientific field. This will provide an opportunity for students to share experiences and ideas with scientific experts, and is expected to establish a stable network of academics and business people in this significant area.

Conference organizers are European Association for Islamic Economics, Banking and Finance with partners: Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo, Oslo Institute of Peace, KT BANK AG, Bosnia Bank International, Islamic Finance Center, University of Bolton, Center for Advanced Studies Sarajevo, United Bank of Albania, Zaim University of Istanbul and Utara University of Malaysia.

Among the Conference partner is Bosnia Bank International (BBI) d.d., as the only BH bank operating in pursuance with the Islamic economy and finances principles.