Public invitation to BH Libraries to participate in the celebration of the “National Awareness Day of Libraries in BiH 2020”

Nacionalni dan svjesnosti o bibliotekama u Bosni i Hercegovini

The celebration of the National Awareness Day on Libraries in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2020 at the University of Sarajevo is realized as a continuation of activities from the ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) project - "Library Network Support Services (LNSS): Modernizing libraries in Western Balkan countries through staff development and reforming library services.” 
The goal of the National Library Awareness Day is to remind citizens of the importance of library participation in building a knowledge society. Libraries (national, higher education, school, public and special) - partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina will participate in the promotion of their services on 30 October 2020, offering citizens various educational content (promotions, poetry evenings, round tables, exhibitions, etc.). The project plans a strong promotion of libraries, their library services and in general, information and library sciences, and we believe that your participation is extremely important for the implementation of these activities.
The mentioned activities will take place in parallel in Mostar and Bihać, where the partners in the implementation of the LNSS project are the Cantonal and University Library of Bihać, and the University of Mostar.
If you want to become a library-partner in celebrating the National Day, you can contact us by e-mail 

The application deadline is 8 October 2020.

Nacionalni dan svjesnosti o bibliotekama u Bosni i Hercegovini
Nacionalni dan svjesnosti o bibliotekama u Bosni i Hercegovini
Nacionalni dan svjesnosti o bibliotekama u Bosni i Hercegovini