Rector Škrijelj: Professor Zdravko Grebo Tirelessly Lived the Idea and Vision of BiH


University of Sarajevo Rector, Rifat Škrijelj stated upon passing away of professor emeritus Zdravko Grebo that the University of Sarajevo, academic community, Faculty of Law faculty members and students lost a venerable member.

“Many generations of Sarajevo students will remember Professor Zdravko Grebo as their favorite professor, from whom they unselfishly gained knowledge, but also as a unique and progressive, deeply humane and honest civic look at the Bosnian society” said Rector Škrijelj for

He also stated that professor emeritus Zdravko Grebo tirelessly lived his idea and vision of Bosnia and Herzegovina and her civil society through numerous programs and initiatives, both domestic and international, and made his activism recognizable in regional, European and global contexts.

“Professor Grebo unselfishly embedded his life and work into Bosnian civil society in which after his departure remains a huge void” said Škrijelj.

He noted that at this difficult moment for Sarajevo and B-H academic community, Professor Grebo’s academic and civic ideas will live on and be inspiration.

“We find comfort in idea that through institutions and programs such as the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies and the European Regional Postgraduate Program for Democracy and Human Rights in Southeast Europe, whose main driving force was Professor Grebo, his academic and civic ideas will live on through new student and young researcher generations in our society”, concluded University of Sarajevo Rector, Rifat Škrijelj.
