Meeting between the Minister of Science, Higher Education and Youth of the CS and the University of Sarajevo Rector

Sastanak ministrice za nauku, visoko obrazovanje i mlade KS i rektora Univerziteta u Sarajevu

University of Sarajevo Rector, Prof. Dr. Rifat Škrijelj visited the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Youth, where he and Minister, Prof. Dr. Adna Mesihović discussed the improvement of higher education in Sarajevo Canton, accreditation of higher education institutions and cooperation between the University and the Ministry.


Minister Mesihović informed the Rector of the Ministry's plans, and emphasized the importance of cooperation and joint action between the Ministry and the University, with the aim of improving student standards, increasing investment in scientific research and promoting excellence in all segments of higher education and science.


Rector Škrijelj spoke about the challenges the University faces, the circumstances in which the faculties operate, and the priorities and problems that need to be solved through the joint action of the University and the Ministry, all with the aim of continuous development of the University of Sarajevo and improvement of the quality of higher education.


The Rector wished the Minister and representatives of the Ministry good luck in their work, and pointed out that the cooperation between the University and the Ministry will be more intensive in the future.


The meeting was also attended by the Vice-Rector for Finance, Prof. Dr. Tarik Zaimović, and assistants to the Minister of Finance and Science, Nihad Šeta and Azemina Njuhović.

Sastanak ministrice za nauku, visoko obrazovanje i mlade KS i rektora Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Sastanak ministrice za nauku, visoko obrazovanje i mlade KS i rektora Univerziteta u Sarajevu